Born in Italy, Marika Lombardi studies at the National School of music in Milan where she has been awarded the first prize for oboe and chamber music. Her career started in 1988, with a successful solo tour, before leaving Italy to study in Paris. There, she gained a diversified experience from attending a number of schools where she was awarded several first prizes (Conservatoire National de Région de Saint-Maur, École Nationale de Musique de Montreuil, Ville de Paris).
To perfect her technique, Marika has studied with masters Pierre Pierlot, Hansjörg Schellenbergher, Maurice Bourgue, Ingo Goritzki, Lothar Koch and Sergiu Celibidache. A prize winner at several international oboe and chamber music competitions, she has also received distinction at the international chamber music competition of Paris. Additionally, Marika is a prize winner at the Cziffra Foundation.
Marika Lombardi plays regularly in chamber music ensembles and orchestras in France as well as across Europe, and gives master classes. She has played with musicians such as: Cziffra Foundation, Frank Braley, Sylvie Gazeau, and Henri Demarquette. Since 2000, Marika is the artistic director of the international music academy and festival “Risonanze Armoniche” in Lasino (Italy) and of the “OBOE” festival in Paris. She has been invited to many music festivals in Europe. She has played in the USA.
Marika Lombardi has been teaching the oboe in Paris since 1992, at the Conservatoire Municipal du Centre de Paris. She has been teaching at the national schools of music in Pantin and Chantilly, and more recently, at the Conservatoire Municipal du 9ème in Paris. She spent several years teaching at the CRR d’Aubervilliers and at the Schola Cantorum in Paris. She has held the National musical diploma for teaching since 1999. In 2012 , she was invited to give a master class at the New York University (NYU).
She plays a Howarth – London oboe.
Your Preferred Music?
Chamber music in general and baroque repertoire, but I love also the modern repertoire for oboe and piano.
Your Most Memorable Moment as a Professional Musician?
The oboe d'amour solo in the Bolero de Ravel at Salle Pleyel some years ago - big emotion and also a lot of magical moments. I had the chance to play with a lot of emotion and communication with the audience.
C. Your Dream Performance?
Each concert I do is a choice, it's my choise, so it is exactly what I want to do. It's my dream which becomes a reality each time the concert works. It dosen't matter where I 'm playing, but how I'm playing and how the audience is. I care of the respons of the audience .
· April 2022, “ Fantasiesstucke” oboe and piano, 8 improvisations on 8 pictures ( Novantiqua)
· September 2019, “Incorci Musicali” with Anemos wind quintet (Da Vinci Records)
· December 2017, “English music for oboe and piano” for Brilliant Classic duo oboe-piano on English program with Nathalie Dang piano (Brilliant Classsics)
· April 2017 “ La Chathédrale transfigurée” improvisations on Debussy with oboe and piano (Da Vinci Records)
· May 2016, “Créations” oboe contemporary chamber music (Continuo records)
· November 2016, “ 7 Inni di Lutero a Roma” oboe and organ (Continuo Records)
· April 2012 Note di passaggio, hautbois et piano, Duo Cantabile, Bottega Discantica, Milan, Italie and Diversions autour du hautbois, Blumlein records-Hamburg. « SOLO » oboe alone (Continuo records)